portfolio Our recent achievements Extension and renovation of the “Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute” in BolognaHealthcare Construction “Al Madina Club” Complex in TripoliUrban Works New Al Sha’ab Hospital in Baghdad (Iraq)Competitions and Hospital Competitions New Cardio-Thoracic Center in AccraCompetitions and Hospital Competitions New Al Zawiya Hospital (Libya)Healthcare Construction New Al Rifa’aee Hospital in Nassiriya (Iraq)Healthcare Construction New Abuja Hospital (Nigeria)Competitions and Hospital Competitions Tender for the realization of the New Hospital TrentoCompetitions and Hospital Competitions New Hospital of LivornoCompetitions and Hospital Competitions New San Gavino Monreale HospitalHealthcare Construction New Surgical and Emergency Center of the “Sant’Orsola-Malpighi” Polyclinic in BolognaHealthcare Construction New Inpatient Wing of the “Sant’Orsola-Malpighi” Polyclinic in BolognaHealthcare Construction «12345» SEARCH Search for: AREAS OF INTERESTHealthcare Construction School and University Construction Urban Works Tertiary and Research Sector Housing Construction Competitions and Hospital Competitions SERVICES1st Lot Constructive Project Coordinated planning Coordination Coordination and Preparation of the '' Technical Proposal'' CSP Definitive Design Design Executive Design Feasibility Feasibility Study Fire prevention design General Preliminary Project Harmonized Project Improvements on the tender design Improvements to the Final Project Integral design Integrated Design Maximum draft Preliminary Design Project Financing Safety Management Technical-Economic Feasibility Project Variant appraisal Works Supervision WS